GITting gud: The setup

My adventures in the land of GIT - Part 2

Alexander 'Pawn' Peck

10 minute read

<p>Welcome to the second, and probably final, installment of my GITing Gud series. It’s a series where I try to give some insights on how to get up and running with <a href="">Git</a> for game development. A lot of this knowledge can be used for other things as well of course, but I will mainly focus on getting you up and running with Git and Unity.<br> As some of you might know I’m currently working on a game by the name of “You may kiss the bride”…


A reflective post about working with Scrum

Alexander 'Pawn' Peck

4 minute read

<p>As some of you may know, I’m currently in the process of working on one of my first proper games as a group. This has so far been quite the learning experience. As this is part of this project we tasked with implementing the scrum framework into our daily routine.<br> <!-- raw HTML omitted --><!-- raw HTML omitted --></p>

GITting gud: The basics

My adventures in the land of GIT - Part 1

Alexander 'Pawn' Peck

8 minute read

<p>Sigmund Freud once said <em>“Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate.”</em></p>